In this course with Dr. Svoboda, we will look at how you can better navigate your limitations in order to thrive wherever you find yourself using the lenses of the koshas, or sheaths of the body, and the five senses.
Practicing Reality is a way of looking at our existence, that we are "practicing" and always learning.
In this course, we look at the five koshas, or the five “bodies” that make up a human being, and how to use this information to really work in detail with our own gross and subtle body to recognize where we are out of alignment and make changes to activate wisdom and bliss in the body.
Then we focus is the five jnanendriyas, or senses of perception - smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing - those organs of perception that manage the nourishment and protection of those bodies. We examine each sense from both the perspectives of Ayurveda and of modern science. This course explores the ways in which each sense interacts with the rest of the organism, on the physical, pranic and mental levels, and how they collaborate with our karmendriyas, or senses of action, to govern how we act on our perceptions.
Through this course you will learn how to better recognize how you are possessed, gain a better understanding of the five senses and the koshas, and how to relate to them appropriately, and you will learn practices you can use in your daily life.
This can be treated like a retreat-like experience, and you get access to bonus material including a guided meditation created by Dr. Svoboda, journal prompts to help you integrate the material, a special video of Dr. Svoboda teaching the Atma Shatkam, a six-verse chant focusing on moving us beyond worldly limitations, and more.
This course includes over 25 hours worth of content you get access to right away.
Live Sessions with Dr. Svoboda
- Course Lecture on December 4th
- Q&A Session #1 on December 10th
- Q&A Session #2 on January 6th
- Lifetime access to all the videos in the course & all content is downloadable
- 35-minute video teaching the Atma Shatkam with explanation of its meaning
- 2 Guided meditations by Dr. Svoboda
- Access to future General Q&As with Dr. Svoboda to ask questions
- Private Facebook group
- Journal prompts for each session to help you go deeper
- Suggestions for how to get the most out of your retreat
- Practices you can start to use in your day-to-day life
- Dr. Svoboda’s Ayurveda in the Modern World class and the Fundamentals of the Five Elements class for free!
See FAQ below for frequently asked questions.
Meet Your Teacher
Dr. Robert Svoboda is the first Westerner ever to graduate from a college of Ayurveda and be licensed to practice Ayurveda in India. During and after his formal Ayurvedic training he was tutored in Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Tantra and other forms of classical Indian lore by his mentor, the Aghori Vimalananda.
He is the author of over a dozen books and has served as Adjunct Faculty at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM, and at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. You can find out more about his work at and follow him on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
A look inside:
Q: How does this class differ from other classes Dr. Svoboda offers?
A: In Practicing Reality we get to go deeper into a subject, investigating it over a period of five classes (for the koshas and again for the senses). And there are other supporting materials to help you treat this time like a retreat.
Q: Will this course be available as part of Dr. Svoboda's Satsanga subscription?
A: This course is not a part of the Satsanga.
Q: I have Zoom fatigue, are there downloadable audio files available?
A: Yes. All classes have downloadable audio files.
Q: Are there closed captions available?
A: Yes!